Into the sea
Friday, 17 October 2008 After 100 days on the road the final sunrise of the journey was slowly edging its way across the sky, splashing colour into the drab dusk, burning away the morning chill in the sea air. I remember standing in front of the estuary
Zululand and on
Tuesday, 07 October 2008 Since Durban we have had a mental battle trying to keep focused and dragging our bodies day after day along the north coast freeways, zig-zagging between busy roads all heading up north to the border, dodging flying pieces of sugar cane, taxis and
Hope in Thyme
Monday, 06 October 2008 The ancient Greeks used it in their baths and burnt it as incense in their temples, believing that thyme was a source of courage. I can now count the days on one hand, the end of this journey is so close, but still far
Children of the soil
Tuesday, 30 September 2008 I can distinctly remember as a child the special feeling that one got playing in the soil, digging into it until your finger nails were caked with the black soil. Eating handfuls of the sand and loving each brain shattering crunch as your
The Beach Boys
Saturday, 27 September 2008 Unique to the wild coast are the sights of cattle just chilling on the beach. Nowhere along the coast have I seen this. There has been the odd day that I have seen an ostrich or buck on the dunes, but cattle, no.
Body waves
Saturday, 27 September 2008 I can remember looking at the months that lay ahead and the time that it would take to complete the run, they seemed as big a hill as the distance that I had to cover, the weeks just would not tick over, let
A time to reflect a little
Sunday, 21 September 2008 Its been 10 weeks on the coast, 10 weeks that have just evaporated, but weeks that have changed as much as the tides. So often when you start out on a journey ones original perception and end picture are miles apart. Like ones
The lurking Raggie
Sunday, 14 September 2008 It’s been 3 incredible days of running on our beach freeway; the massive storm waters have cleared the beach of all the parallel dunes. The local fishermen have told us a week ago we would not have been able to run the beach
Stormy waters
Monday, 08 September 2008 The weather has played a large part in our lives over the past few days. Due to storm damage from 18 months ago we have been forced to take certain detours away from the coast, as well as this the areas that we
“Buhle” (you’re beautiful)
Monday, 01 September 2008 I was standing in the corner of the operating theatre , sparkling new equipment filled the room, with wiring and piping leading to the nerve centre of each operating station. In front of me were the 2 operating tables, each covered with a