Deserted Villages
Often the highlight of my day is when the wall dips down a valley into a fortified village where the two become one. As you trundle down the mountain slope into the village you hit a time warp, as you are Trans- located into yesteryear, into a
How things have changed 12 years later
The journey is still in its infant stage, but already at this early stage there are many noticeable differences that I have seen along the wall. I must admit that the progress of infrastructural development and city builds I am experiencing is astounding, but there is often
Just to keep going
The mind is an incredible thing, it gives you strength, sometimes lets you forget and escape the reality of life, blocks out pain and then fills difficult voids with memories of the good times, family and friend. It always seems to have the ability to get you
Rain yes rain
We all know what this means, but I must admit coming from the cape in South Africa, rain has not been a common thing over the past few years. Well believe it or not, nor has it been in this part of China either, in the dry
The Sleeping Beauty
On most of our journeys we have used the walk to directional finder on our phone maps. We are given a point by the crew where they will meet up with us and then we track to that point along the wall. The amazing thing about this
No matter what journey I have been on or which country that I find myself running in, the trucking community are much the same. Hard-core give it all, take no shit on the road crazy guys and yes, the odd girl in the mix as well. These big
Where have all the bicycles gone?
I must admit that the song sung by Katie Melua needs to be addressed. She mentioned that there are “9 million bicycles in Beijing and that’s a fact.” One noticeable thing that has hit me like a sledge hammer is that there are hardly any bicycles. The last time