

A brick in my life’s wall

Thursday, 24 July 2008

When you have a day that is long and dark and you feel that you cant go on. You think that your problems are in surmountable and the biggest in the world. You have been dealt the worst deal in life. Sit back and think again , look at all the positive things that you have in life, be thankful.

The following message was sent to me.

“Ek is self met ‘n gesplete lip gebore. Dit is nie aldag maklik om mense se reaksies te sien as hulle na jou gesig kyk en merk jy is anders as hulle. Mens leer seker maar mettertyd saamleef met dit. As kind het ek dit nie so lekker gehad nie, en dit los tog emosionele letsels op mens. Hoe ouer jy raak hoe dieper begrawe jy dit iewers in jou menswees. Ek wil net sê sterkte, en dankie dat julle so vêr gaan om ‘n volmaakte glimlag op ‘n klein kindjie se gesig te sit”.

I now sit here running my finger over my lips and wondering, what the pain must be like not being able to kiss your child good night?

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