Braai season – coming soon
Well believe it or not, Braai season is just on the way.
September, to me Spring. For as long as I can remember, on the 1st September I always take a ritual swim in the ocean, no matter what the weather is doing to me it’s the start of summer. That my signal or bookmark to getting that old Braai fired up.
One can always see this change coming with the first signs of little green shoots on the Oak trees and the vineyards. Spring just seems to give me an extra lift as nature starts to awake and explode in colour as every plant starts to blossom.
As a prelude to the Braai season I have been frantically working away at getting out some new recipes for Taste Magazine as well as Mens Health. One just has to look at the whether at the moment, there is the inspiration, one could swear that Braai season is here.
I spent a magic day at Pampoenkraal (A venue on the Altydgedacht wine estate) doing the Woolworths Taste shoot, some great dishes came evolved out of that. It was one of those days that every dish just worked and flowed, as the fire cracked in the background, the camera shutter quietly snapped away and the food sizzled on the coals, everything was just working in unison, the shoot started at about 9 in the morning, the next thing we look up and the winter sun way already lazily leaning on the hilltops.