

Dream it, do it.

The one thing that I have learnt the hard way is that nothing really happens unless you personally take hold of the situation and physically drive it yourself.


So often I sit back and watch how many people think that by pushing out an E-mail, the rest will happen, everything will fall into place and, “Wow it’s so simple”, the person on the other end will now deliver. Unfortunately, this is normally where things end, stop and flop. Remember as you hit the send button your work actually begins. One needs to be strongly motivated to initiate the things that you believe in and have the strength of conviction and the drive to be able to make them succeed.


The most difficult time lies ahead once that mail is out, the request, plea is alive. Where to from here, how do you connect and convince the person to engage and ultimately assist?


It’s all about the “tone.”


When interacting with people on any level from a massive task down to a little one, if you are honestly passionate about it and driven by this inner fire to make a difference, with this, people will quickly feel the passion and connect. The only difficult decision to make is finding the balance, how hard do I push, when do I pull back or stop “bugging the person.”


Even with all of this it still demands resilience and the will power to push through to the bitter end no matter what, but at times everything just goes backwards. Sleepless nights and massive pressure builds and with this the need to stay positive, focused, even if others become negative and begin to doubt your ability to succeed.


Don’t give up.


If you believe in something and want to do it I know that it will succeed. Mediocrity cannot be given into!


The past few months have tested my resolve in every way possible. They have been very different to the other lead-ups to an event. From a personal side I have not been able to taper my work load that I am dealing with, nothing has tailed off. It has just accelerated with the other projects that I am involved in. All of this has been mentally draining and putting massive pressure on my preparation for “The Back to the Wall” project.


In a way I also feel that the turmoil going in in South Africa over the past few years has taken its toll on the psyche of many a South African. There has been so much negativity that just keeps breaking people down. I feel it all around me; in the past excitement would grow around an event like this. This time it is quite subdued.


People are emotionally exhausted. I feel that this journey of positivity and hope will help lift our spirits. I know once the run is on, its going to grow month by month. It’s the same feeling that I am getting out there in the street, slowly the positivity around our country is beginning to gain a positive slant.


I must admit, at one stage I was even starting to think I was captured in a dream world; was this going to happen?


This dream was actually a dream without the isolation of sleep, it was turning into a real live nightmare.

Never had I imagined that it would take phone calls just hours before we were to leave to get our final items sorted. All along I have refused to accept that this was not going to happen and have constantly pushed on with this project and the last piece of the puzzle is now in place.


A dream is now unravelling, fuelled by the passion to bring change hope and inspiration to the youth.


So, dream on, the reality is within your grasp

Continue reading: Mental and Physical Preparation


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