


There is so much fruit around today, a lot of it grown out of season as well as available all year round through modern means of transport. Each fruit type has its own distinct taste smell and texture. But I feel with modern day farming a lot has been lost with regards to fruits flavour. There seems to be a blandness. The colour is there but there is no rich flavour. I feel a lot has to do with artificial ripening and cold storage.
I have never in my life tasted so real so natural a fruit as I have in Madagascar. I just cant explain how strong the flavour is how sweet the fruit is and most of all which is the biggest difference, the strong smell or scent that you get just holding it.

Take just a simple banana. There are 6 different types in Madagascar. All are different sizes and a little different in colour. There are 3 that really stand out to me, the one is a small green banana that when you peel and eat it, it has a slight lemon scent and flavour. Then there is the big red banana that has a taste range between orange and guava and such a refreshing citrus scent, my favourite, I could sit down and eat the pineapples all day. Huge juicy firm and aromatic, crunchy and sweet with each bite, with out even noticing you can devour a whole one, Then there is the mango, that I have fallen out of trees in pursuit of. These have the strongest flavour of all and after eating them your hands and face are yellow, as well as this they act as natures dental floss.

I have so often wished that I could just get these flavours and fruit into my kitchen, make sorbet out of this. I would send you on a taste buds on a rush never experienced before.

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