

Fruits of the sea

The run now over, we have taken a few days to unwind, just relax and slowly sort out our gear, repack what needs to go back and give the rest to the needy around us. It’s been lazy times after what we have been through. The best has been that there has been time to cook, find fresh fish and enjoy creating a meal.

It had been the usual harassment by the police and eventually settled with our new spot we camped right next to a fishermen’s village. It was about 5 this morning when we were woken by the first boats returning after the nights fishing. On and on it continued as the boats returned, it must have been about 50 in total. Now awake we decided to get up and see what they had caught the past evening.

These boats were a lot different to what we had seen, and quite primitive. They consisted of a whole lot of palm trees strapped together and powered by a diesel motor with a long shaft and a prop on the end, much like the long tails that one finds in the East. What a cool bunch of people, we eventually ended up helping the fishermen pulling their boats out, offloading nets and basically also getting in their way. But on top of this we seemed to build a good relationship with them. The nets now up, they began to untangle the catch. Lots of small fish, crabs and, to our surprise, Lobster. I think the guys saw our excitement about the great catch and surprised us with a gift of a lobster and 6 fish.

It didn’t take us long to head off behind a rock and out of the wind to start cooking our haul. Nick cleaned the fish; I started to work out what we had to scrape a dish together while Andy made the coffee. It wasn’t long and I had the menu sorted.

I fried up some onions, garlic and a chilli with ghee. Then added lots of chopped tomato, a dash of turmeric, curry powder and masala and let it cook down into a smoor. I then took the fish, browned it in the pan and added it to the smoor. Lastly I added the lobster meat, legs and crab and let this all stew for 10 minutes.

We sat down on the edge of the beach and tucked into this pot. The best meal we had in India.

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