George Cheese Festival
Its been a crazy week, 3 days of filming the new Woolworths food adds .Friday morning was no let up, all the voice over’s had to be recorded in the studio. Just as that was finished, I had to rush off to be part of a judging panel for the Woolworths national soup competition. 10 really good recipes made it into the final, there were 2 that really stood out, but as with all competitions, there can be only one winner. I had just put down my spoon after the last tasting and was ushered out to get to the airport to catch the last flight to George for the weekend to do a series of cooking demos.
It was crazy, 30 minutes after landing; I was in the kitchen and prepping for the demos the next day. What made the prep easy was most of my dishes was done with Woolworths convenience foods, so it was just sorting out all the ingredients into batches for the recipes, a bit of roasting and I was ready. I finally crashed at about 10 in the evening.
To my great pleasure I was booked into a hotel walking distance from the massive 5000 seat entertainment marquee. The whole evening the bands were playing, I woke up with bruised ribs from the base vibrations rattling through then during the evening
The Saturday was hectic, more like manic 7x 45 min demos in a row. Fortunately my son Xander was able to help me out- we have done quite a lot of cooking together over the years. He is quite a handful to cook with, as the chirps behind the scenes never stop. Then on set the banter continues as he quietly smiles and cooks away next to me giving me lip all the time . I feel it’s a privilege to be able to cook with ones son – especially at the moment for me as he leaves for the USA in a weeks time in order to work on a wine estate for the next year to continue in the family tradition of wine making.
42 recipes later on Sunday evening I boarded the plane back home.