

London trip

Well it’s been quite a day, trekking across London to Richworth. Doing a presentation to over 600 school kids and then rushing back for a meeting. I have got quite used to the Underground after 4 trips, but it just seems to get busier every time. One has to fight your way down the passages, into lifts in and out the train and then hurtle yourself back up flights of stairs to get that gasp of fresh London smog and then back down into the mole burrows of the London underground. What a hectic day. Finally back in Queensway, all I wanted was a quiet corner, a glass of wine to sip on – maybe a little snack to go with it.

A sign catches my eye, “Yo – Sushi”, that’s just it. Off I go in search of the chilled glass of wine and fresh sushi to go with it.

Finally after 3 flights of escalators I get to the restaurant – cool joint. Lounge music, ultra mod décor, and a shiny stainless steel kitchen in the middle, the joint is buzzing, its Monday night special. “Its Blue Monday” – The excited Waitress explained. That means every thing is 2 Pounds on the belt. I looked down and my first thought was, 2 pounds in weight? Or what.? As the biggest California rolls, Nigiri and the rest trundled by on the sushi belt.

Sauvignon Blanc in hand, now relaxed I had a closer look as the offering as they passed by – confusion set in (I thought, maybe coming from Africa I have been shielded from the real thing ) saucer after saucer of home brew passed by. Rugged concoctions of deep-fried whatever rolled in rice. The thing that really got to me was that a lot of the dishes were smothered in some sweet sauce – Why? (I suppose half of the answer was that there was no Oriental chef in sight).
I zapped a prawn Nigiri as it passed. It was ok. But the rice consistency was all wrong; it just fell all over the place-
Then to top it all, a bowl of fruit salad passed. For a while I sat mesmerized just looking at the belt and longing for something that in a way resembled the delicate art of sushi making.

A dish of beef whatever had passed a few times, so I decided to try my luck , I grabbed it just to see what it was about. Seared, ok, but drenched in a sweet acidic sauce – Why!

Next to me some thing caught my attention; yes I’ve been at the receiving end of it many a time in my restaurants. I had a pair of the worst nightmare diners; a couple giving it a hammering at everything, on top of it the one was Gluten intolerant and you can imagine the scene. They kept me entertained for a while they gave the kitchen a lesson in portion control and consistency, tucking into the belt as the pile of little dishes grew to a pile resembling the leaning Tower of Pizza. They definitely have fans.

Ok, I’ll give it one more bash with something really never seen on a belt before, a dish of noodles and Salad – Surprise! The same acidic sweet sauce drenched all over it, what’s with this. I suppose what topped it all for me is the winter promotion explanation, “Kill Chill” – Sushi, a dish normally served cold … except in winter – Yo, Really?

Then the trump card, printed on the place mat. Enter now. Guess what, you can win a trip to Japan – Maybe send the chef.

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