

My Africa

So often we go to great lengths and massive cost to travel to a far away land to see something special that will leave a lasting memory and inspire one with its beauty. I too have been bitten by this bug. Often we tend to over look the beauty that sits right where we are, the scenario is much like the cow that always pushes its head through the fence to eat the grass that looks more appetising on the other side.

Recently I was invited to be the guest speaker at the International Crania Facial Surgical Conference in Livingstone Zambia. After a short 1hour 40 min flight, I landed in Livingstone. There was the normal slight customs bottleneck, about 40 min (Africa time) and then headed out into the town and beyond.

I arrived at the royal Livingstone Hotel on the banks of the Zambezi River. What a place, one of the most beautiful settings that I have seen. In the distance I could see the cloud of spray from the cascading Victoria Falls, the locals fondly call it the cloud that thunders. I walked around the property, mesmerised with the beauty, I eventually sat out on the grassed river bank watching the massive Zambezi river swirl and twist its way over the edge of the falls and into obscurity.

The evening had slowly crept in as we boarded an old steam train, Victorian carriages restored to their original splendour, and army of waiters each armed with trays of gin and tonic offered them to us as we boarded. The whistle blew and the steam train lurched into motion and on to the Victotia falls. We steamed back 100 years in a time capsule. The rugged African bush enveloped our minds and the tranquillity of nature stole our thoughts as one tended just to stare into nothing.

The Victoria falls themselves, rugged in their beauty, one of the wonders of the world. Yet only a few explorers had set eyes on them. Many local inhabitants believed them to be bewitched and kept away lest they annoyed the God who revealed himself in the rainbow. This was later penned in the powerful phrase, “Scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight”.

Scenery, service and accommodations and all that goes with it, will make me think twice next before going on holiday I challenge you to go out and explore what other secrets this unique continent holds.

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