

Preparing for India

Now begins the hardest parts of the journey. Having done most of the grind, putting of the event together, getting sponsors on board setting up the team, the final planning, preparation and organisation over the past year is now behind me. Now it really starts, the mental and physical preparation, the training of mind and body, getting it to work in unison and slowly pull in the wide angle of focus that one has in normal day to day life, this process now has to bring focus to a pinpoint to culminate in one thing and one thing only and that the run. In order to do this I have to systematically sort out all outstanding things that I am working on. Each time I complete one of the tasks, I feel that the focus is brought in another notch and it’s onto the next until the day that I leave for India with no distractions, but the focus of the run. Basically end up with blinkers on to the peripherals around me and just see the run ahead.

Physical training actually started 2 months ago. But as usual there is the rehab of the body that is needed. After the hammering I have taken over the past 6 years, it’s a slow but very necessary process that I have to work through, to make sure that I strengthen every part on my body in order to function at a optimum for 5 months under harsh and unknown conditions.

Its been a bit disheartening as I have had pains in both knees, a continuous throbbing after long run. I had a MRI scan done at Sport Science to see if I could find out what is the cause. I then set up a meeting with Dr Willem Van der Merwe. He checked everything, picked up a very small meniscus tear, but nothing that I should worry about. There are 2 reasons for the pain he said. The first is scar tissue that has build up on both my Patella’s and secondly new bone that has grow and needs to harden after the long rest I have had from Madagascar.

Guess what? Its back onto the trusted Grucox training device (its got me through 3 journeys to date). For the past few weeks I have got up at 5 and headed off to sport science to do upper body work and fight the machine the beast of a Grucox. As usual the results are astounding, the deep throb is getting less and the left knee pain from the patella has nearly gone, it’s a still a long way to go, but the progress is going well – But damn I have just got flu for the second time, this is really messing up my progress, well I’ve been through worse lots of Betavit and I am ready to rock.

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