

Sun walker

It had been another long hard day, camp is always a reward at the end especially if it’s a stealth one (one that we can get to without the locals seeing us, otherwise it’s bush TV till it’s dark). This camp was perfect, up against the side of the mountain no village, no temple playing music, just the quiet sounds of nature and a rare view. The view was down the valley and onto the rolling plains below. The nice thing was that there was a train line and a freeway far off to the right, we could hear nothing but could see all the vehicles like ants moving up and down, the odd train looked like a snake looking for warmth in the evening sun.

Out of nowhere suddenly this guy appeared, walking across the foot of the mountain. Something did not look right with the way he was walking. There was no path, he was just trundling through the bush and grass. He had a weird swagger to him, his arms just hung at his side and he stared straight ahead into the sun. He was wearing a bright orange scarf and the rest of his gear was white. Round his head was a large orange turban.

He did not seem to look where he was going; he just walked straight into the sun, eyes open and staring into the setting sun. On he came walking right past us. I could see his eyes were wide open, but he seemed blinded by the sun as he stared into it. His legs were working like two pistons just pumping up and down as he walked on straight past us and into the sun. The colour now changing from a bright white to a more orange as this strange figure pumped on into the sunset. His orange headgear had now become one with the sun; his scarf blowing in the wind behind him looked as if his head was on fire.

Oblivious to us he walked on along the ridge below us, with each step the sun seemed to be dropping; it was now level with the horizon. On the sun walker went. The sun was now slowly dropping behind the hill as the dusk slowly crept over the valley and finally the sun just seemed to slip over the edge of the hill and it was gone. That was it, no more sun. our turbo bunny seemed to run out of power at the very same instant, that was it he stopped, lifted his hands and rubbed his eyes and in an instant he swung around and started walking back down the valley as if nothing happened.

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