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David has done a multitude of talks around the world, inspiring millions on his campaigns and adventures through out the globe,

Make a Booking

David’s message is of hope and ‘making a difference’ in peoples lives through change, positivity – the right attitude, recognizing opportunity and never giving up

He draws from past experiences of overcoming adversities to deliver an inspiring and entertaining message. David gives us amazing social-economic insights into distant and remote places where very few have gone before.

His relaxed manner, sense of humor and interesting take on life will keep you enthralled the entire time and afterword, wanting to make a difference in your life and in that of others.

Deliver / Change


In many a way I think that this is one of the most important factors that I have had to come to terms with, the realisation that everything and everyone around us is evolving, changing at such a rapid rate. In order to keep pace, one has to have the ability to evolve with it.

Spices Tea and Philosophy

Starting in Kashmere, in the foothills of the Himalayas at the most northern temple I began this epic run down India, traveling through 10 provinces which in the end felt like 10 different countries.

Burnt Vanilla

Ultimately each journey will etch a scar of life as it passes. As I fought the twisting path of this journey, a path that has sent me on so many unplanned detours, I look back at the many different stages and how everything has panned out, they are far from the original path.

Hope in Thyme

´What does the future hold for us? Is there hope in the future for our country?´. We have undergone such massive change over the past 15 years and in order to carry on with this process, there must be a reward. To David that reward is hope and the knowledge that this country is going to be a better place.

Courage and Rice

Through this run I had to personally deal with life threatening situations and life changing decisions, ultimately realizing that in order to continue with my journey I had to embrace change and evolve. I found out how important it is to be able to change as we travel our personal journeys through life to ultimately meet success.

Deliver / Change


In many a way I think that this is one of the most important factors that I have had to come to terms with, the realisation that everything and everyone around us is evolving, changing at such a rapid rate. In order to keep pace, one has to have the ability to evolve with it.

Spices Tea and Philosophy

Starting in Kashmere, in the foothills of the Himalayas at the most northern temple I began this epic run down India, traveling through 10 provinces which in the end felt like 10 different countries.

Burnt Vanilla

Ultimately each journey will etch a scar of life as it passes. As I fought the twisting path of this journey, a path that has sent me on so many unplanned detours, I look back at the many different stages and how everything has panned out, they are far from the original path.

Hope in Thyme

´What does the future hold for us? Is there hope in the future for our country?´. We have undergone such massive change over the past 15 years and in order to carry on with this process, there must be a reward. To David that reward is hope and the knowledge that this country is going to be a better place.

Courage and Rice

Through this run I had to personally deal with life threatening situations and life changing decisions, ultimately realizing that in order to continue with my journey I had to embrace change and evolve. I found out how important it is to be able to change as we travel our personal journeys through life to ultimately meet success.

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