

Thailand Power of Ten Update – 14 Nov

Why are we on the road?

I must admit that I live every day of the year for this; I will put my head down and toil, day and night every day of the year.

It doesn’t matter, it’s worth it, to get time off to hit the road to have one’s life enhanced with the rewards the road brings.

When I look at it just from the aspect of what I gain mentally, physically and for the experiences that a journey like this enriches one’s life with. Yes there are a lot of personal reasons and in a way some might look at them in a way being a bit selfish –but there is a bigger picture, a bigger reason and goal.

The most rewarding and life changing part of this is the privilege that these journeys have given me in a way far beyond myself. They have given me the ability to put my hand out to a stranger and make a difference in their lives – If I take the last 900 km that I have just run, and reflect on every little step of the way, the pain, self doubt and niggles that I have had to deal with, it’s worth it.

The journey has given me the platform to create awareness and raise funds for the Cipla Miles for Smiles initiative and bring help of life changing surgery through Operation Smile to children born with cleft lips and palates.

Late last night as I lay down as I have done with many an evening, sore and exhausted, but with the satisfaction of knowing that this journey is going to make a difference and through all of you out there, you have made it count.

I thank you.

[no_button size=”” icon_pack=”” target=”_self” font_weight=”” text=”MAKE A DONATION 🙂 ” link=”http://ciplafoundationsa.co.za/causes/thailand-ultra-adventure”]

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