

Thailand Power of Ten Update – 17 Nov

Yes I miss…

There are many of us out there pushing our minds and bodies to the limits, testing the limits of our own personal frontiers, fighting those inner demons that torment and torture us every day.

We all have them, not just in extreme conditions, many of us just manage to deal with this on a normal daily basis and it is more than any one could imagine. We push on with a smile and deal with it; pretend it does not exist and say “I have no issues” and we claw our way out on the other side victorious to conquering the unseen, unheard of and unimaginable.

The question is, “Can you do this alone?”

No, I say. There is the other side to all of this, essential to everyone; it brings that balance to your life. It’s an essential ingredient for the recipe of life to be a successful balanced dish. Yes, I think I might have it; it’s a sprinkling of honesty with everyone around you and appreciation of your family and the loved ones who are always there for you. We will never really know what the perfect balance to the ingredients of life are, but keep trying and the recipe will improve with every attempt.

All of this has just hit me hard with a message from Liz my wife today-
“Jade is really missing you today, she is holding that stone you gave her.”

On most of my journeys I have always picked up a few stones along the way that I bring home. During my run of India I found a real special one that I brought home and I gave it to my youngest daughter, Jade.

I shared a little story with her when I gave it to her one evening.
We were lying on her bed looking out of her room window at the stars and I said, “Jade whenever I am away, remember I will be looking at the same stars as you, that will always connect us.”
“Really Dad?” She asked. “So if I miss you and look at the stars I know you will also see them”.
“Yes, in a way I will” I replied.

I then put this beautiful round stone in her hand and said “Jade if you really really miss me, hold this stone as tight as you can and as your hand warms it, I will feel your love and warmth wherever I am in the world.

Today I feel that warmth as it pulls and tugs at my heart. I wish I was just closer for a hug.

Yes I do miss my family, my children Jessica, Xander, Tamlin and little Jade who have brought such honesty to my life and appreciation of it. My wife who has sacrificed so much; she often gives up on her dream that I can go out and reach for mine. It’s strange how quick we are to thank people on the peripheral of our lives for what they do for us, but those close to us who do this on a daily basis, how often do we overlook them, take them for granted.

If you are at home tonight just look then in the eye and say with honesty and appreciation “Thank you for always being there for me”.

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