

Thailand Power of Ten Update – 8 Nov

On we roll

It was a real slow start for me – to be honest I was worried. I had pulled a calf muscle on the top of Table Mountain in training 4 weeks before we left. So it’s been Physiotherapy and acupunctures every second day, instead of being on the road running. It was driving me mad knowing Andy was out there on the mountain continuing with the preparations and I was home with all kinds of scenarios going through my head.

Well here we are.

It started slowly with my first run in 4 weeks being a 15 km run; run 5 minutes, walk 5 minutes out of Bangkok. Just getting my mind into a space that all is okay and the run will pan out as we had planned. The days have slowly grow from 25 to 35 to 45 and now we are on target ticking off 50 Km a day; what a relief – now that I know the physical side seems to be settling I can mentally switch into the zone for the next 2 weeks, cut all the noise out and just float with the land, get into the rhythm of the rolling hills and twists and turn that the terrain brings us; just become one with the road.

“Cane and Not so Able”

Food on the road will always eventually get you. We are fully aware of this and know that these days are going to come. Running and feeling nauseous with stomach cramps but just got to keep going and work it out the system. Well Thai belly has hit me, it came from nowhere! I had that feeling when I woke in the morning, low on energy and knew today would be my my day. I was hardly up the road and the first bout hit me. I dived into the bush – stuff the snakes and the rest of the creatures that the swamp land offers. I clambered out looking grey, slightly relieved, but with a clear understanding of the internal fire I was going to have to deal with. (Thank goodness for the cool effect of wet wipes)

15 km up the road we stopped for a refuel break, something to snack on and drink. We were all sitting on our camp chairs chilling. Suddenly the sweat hit my brow and off I was down the road, dashed into the sugar cane plantation, the perfect spot to disappear into unnoticed.But I was spotted by a motor bike who wagged a finger. No- no was the signal, so I turned in panic running back to the guys, but there was another gap in the brush – and in I went, only to be confronted by another farmer clearing the canal into his rice plot.

I was desperate now – Andy and Pete were sitting there watching this comedy unfold. I dashed past them in the other direction. Ahead was a low wall which was the best cover I could see. I dashed in behind it.

Relief! Finally peace and a place just to sort out this crisis. Not today buddy, it was 30 second later with all the action going down that an irate woman came running towards shouting with a stick – pants round my ankles I came running back up the road to Pete and Andy who by now were beyond repair with laughter as I stumbled up the road trying to regain some dignity.

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