

Thailand Ultra and the Power of 10 pt1

Thailand Ultra and the Power of 10
So what is this all about?
To run the 100 km Thailand Ultra Marathon, known as the “Beast”, recently rated by Red Bull as the 5 th hardest Ultra marathon in Asia is a tough challenge, but there is a twist. On Landing in Bangkok, Andrew and I will be running to the start of the event; we thought this was going to be a doddle until we found out that it was 1000 km away and then on completing this we have to run the Thailand Ultra Marathon.
So one asks why?
It’s all about making a difference in the lives of children born with clefts through the Cipla Miles for Smiles initiative, raising funds and awareness for Operation Smile SA who facilitates surgery on Children born with Clefts. As a lot of you may have read about the Nelspruit surgical mission in my previous post, giving you a real on the ground account of the heart wrenching reality what this means to a mother and child.  The event will also be marking 10 years of adventuring – the next few posts will give a little insight to where the journey has taken me.


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