

Thailand Ultra and the Power of 10 pt4

The first journey was my beginning to this life changing event beginning all those 10 years ago (and so the numbers roll), when I put on my running shoes for the first time in Jiayaguwan in the Gobi desert region of NW china.
It was down on the banks of the Great White River where the great wall begins and then snakes out across the Gobi and Tangier deserts and on into the mountains. I remember as I headed off down the great wall of China tears streaming down my face choked up in disbelief that I was actually going to attempt this and also in absolute disbelief that it was happening.
It was a dream unfolding without the isolation of sleep.
I was part of a team attempting the deemed impossible; to run the wall in one attempt, to conquer this sleeping dragon. Nearly 100 days later and over 4200 km we ran, climbed and crawled our way across this majestic man made marvel emerging victorious.
From temperatures of 45 degrees c to minus 22 degrees c we survived sand storms, white outs, falls, a patched together team of 10 who achieved the nearly impossible and the Cipla Miles for Smiles initiative was born.

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