

The great trek

I had not much of an option; the end of the island was 68km away. There were no roads. No way of any support to get back. I would have to push to the end, and then turn around and push all the way back again. It would be a 136km round trip. I decided to go light and do it in one go through the night and get it over with. I packed minimal gear that I was light enough to run. No tent, a thin lightweight sleeping bag, rain jacket, tin of tuna (hoping to get food along the way), cameras for the end and a French loaf.

I left the crew to some how get there problem sorted, I had tried to warn them, but no, it was their decision to drive the land cruiser into the swamp. I suggested they get some villagers to help by chaining some Zebu cattle together and try and pull it out. I could not stand around; I needed to get to the end of the island. (They ended up in getting 8 cattle and 20 villagers and it took then 6 hours to get it out, the tide was coming in and water was flowing in the door when they finally got to safety).

I headed off; a massive storm was blowing in as I crossed the swamp. Quite heavy with gear, but light enough to run. Over the next 36 hours what was to unfold was a nightmare, so often when one finishes a massive event and you let your guard down to return home, the problems hit. I have heard this happen so many times especially on Everest trips.

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