The miles for smiles foundation
The foundation was set up prior to the run of the Great Wall of China. Since my return from the run we have raised some 600 000 00 rands which have all gone to our sole beneficiary, operation Smile South Africa.
While running the great wall I was constantly in awe of the beauty surrounding me. The beauty of the planet and its magnificence, but constantly in the back of my mind was the reminder of the paradox, how can this beauty of our planet also be the home of such pain and suffering experienced by our children. Children born with such facial disfigurement that they are ostracised by those around them, struggle to speak, let alone eat. To me the final measurement of the success of my journey could only be measured by the children that I can manage to help to reach their dream of a simple god given right to a smile.
With a simple operation of some 45 minutes a Childs life can be changed forever. Since we started this foundation, we have been instrumental in helping some 54 children, who during the run received facial surgery in Empangeni in Kwazulu Natal. Having been involved in the inaugural mission in South Africa we are now busy with our next fundraising adventure in order to continue with this worthy cause.
On my return to south Africa I made a trip up to Empangeni with my daughter (who is a volunteer for operation Smile) to meet some of the children, a moment that I will never forget, to see all those beautiful faces, radiating their new smiles. I am proud to be associated with the Ciplamedpro Miles for Smiles foundation, for more info go to: