The Beach Boys
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Unique to the wild coast are the sights of cattle just chilling on the beach. Nowhere along the coast have I seen this. There has been the odd day that I have seen an ostrich or buck on the dunes, but cattle, no. The wild coast has small herds of cattle that seem to just lie on the beach and chill, staring out at the sea for hours. The cattle have some of the most amazing markings as well as serious horns, but as docile as ever, they just check you out with this hangdog look as you walk past.
We came loping down this big hill and onto the beach. Ahead lay a lonely cow, doing the Kei thing and just Chilling on the beach. Braam was walking ahead and I had stopped to photograph some crabs scurrying on the beach. An incredible calm day beauty oozed out all around us. Nothing was going according to plan ahead. Braam was walking towards the cow and I don’t know if he was insulting the cow by trying to talk to it, or it just didn’t want to listen. But this fellow was seriously peeved and for no reason shot up and headed for Braam.His head down, horns pointing, the sand was being revved up under its feet. Hearing a bit of commotion I looked up. I just saw Braam as he lurched forward and head off down the beach at a serious sprint, the cow up, swinging in his direction and the charge was on. Snorting, sand flying a bit of yelling and down the beach they went.